03 décembre, 2012

delix GIF logo

here is an animated logo for the band DeLix

29 août, 2012

This is a show reel of the work from the last year from Bedos Mavanubu and myself.

Re-edit of the video "toi moi" for Rod with a music by Exploding Plastic.

death traps

promo video for the band Death Traps will be followed by a music video if we can find the time to do it...
new 3d tracking test
                                            first test with canon 7d in my back yard
waiting for some poetry from Kirsten Ferrari.
sometime failing is good

17 juillet, 2012

06 janvier, 2012

the "space scarab" first post.

19 décembre, 2011

New Show Reel

My new Show Reel !
includes projects I directed from 2006 to 2011.
Music by Beck from the amazing album Midnight vulture.

Space Scarab

New embryo of an exiting project with Fritz Von Runte. Will say more about this in a few month time.

Graffiti Antwerp Mansion

Ivan from Paris, creating a Graffiti for Antwerp Mansion, one of Manchester's best new venue.



4 hours non-stop of live music and visuals performed by la crème de la crème of Manchester talents. Massive success with an audience that didn't wanted to leave the Antwerp Mansion at the end. Everything to fund the fresh record label "Animal Sound Records".
Full video and credit soon.

13 août, 2011

homo electro promo video

Homo electro Mancunian club night.
I think the video talk for itself.

Qui êtes-vous ?

Ma photo
pour l'instant je suis moi et personne d'autre j'aimerais être un surréaliste mais c'est trop tard.